Education is one of my primary missions. Training of young physicists and providing mentorship have always been a priority of mine. As a mentor, my mission has been to point out the right direction and create a supportive platform for my students and postdocs to perform and succeed.


Among the Sixty three graduate students, who have obtained their Ph.D. under Sau Lan Wu’s supervision, 10 of them did PhD in TASSO, 23 in ALEPH, 9 in the BaBar, and 21 in ATLAS Experiments respectively.  We list here below their academic postdoc positions or non-academic positions after graduation. (This list includes a few co-advised students)

1)  James Freeman 1981 Fermilab
2)  Timothy Barklow 1983 Stanford
3)  Eric Wicklund 1984 Caltech
4)  H. Venkataramania 1985 Yale
5)  David Strom 1986 McCormick Fellow U of Chicago
6)  Michael Cherney 1987 Berkeley
7)  Allen Caldwell 1987 Columbia
8)  Steven Ritz 1988 Columbia
9)  David Muller 1989 Stanford
10) M. Takashima 1989 CERN Fellow
11) Douglas Cowen 1990 Caltech
12) John Hilgart 1991 CERN Fellow
13) Joe Boudreau 1991 CERN Fellow
14) Jim Wear 1991 U.C. Santa Cruz
15) Yibin Pan 1991 Wisconsin
16) David Cinabro 1991 Harvard
17) Jolean Pater 1992 CERN Fellow
18) Fred Weber 1993 CERN Fellow
19) Michael Walsh 1995 Rutgers
20) Leo Bellantoni 1995 Fermilab Lederman Fellow followed by Wilson Fellow
21) Zhong Feng 1995 Johns Hopkins
22) Yongsheng Gao 1995 Harvard
23) Jane Nachtman 1997 Fermilab Wilson Fellow
24) Jim Grahl 1998 Iowa State
25) Peter Elmer 1998 Princeton
26) Steve Armstrong 1998 CERN Fellow
27) William Orejudos 1998 Berkeley
28) Xidong Wu 1999 SBC Com.
29) Owen Hayes 1999 Booz Allen Hamilton Consult.
30) Tom  Greening 1999 CERN Fellow
31) Doug Ferguson 2001 Wisconsin
32) Jason Nielsen 2001 Berkeley
33) Eric Charles 2002 Berkeley
34) P. McNamara 2002 Rutgers
35) Steve Sekula 2004 MIT
36) Ran Liu 2004 Berkeley Business School
37) Jinwei Wu 2004 Harvard
38) Zhitang Yu 2005 Clearshape Tech.
39) Mousumi Datta 2005 Fermi National Lab
40) Baosen Cheng 2005 Avestar-IP
41) Attila Mihalyi 2005 Princeton Consulting
42) Kyle Cranmer 2005 Godhaber Fellow at Brookhaven National Laboratory Presidential Early Career Award for Scientist and Engineers 2007
43) Karina Loureiro 2006 Ohio State
44) Paul Kutter 2006 Citizen’s Insurance
45) Alden Stradling 2008 University of Texas Arlington
46) Yaquan Fang 2008 Wisconsin
47) William Quayle 2008 US ATLAS Analysis Fellow
48) Xin Chen 2009 Wisconsin
49) Elizabeth Castaneda 2011 Foreign Academic Fellowship, Conacyt, Mexico
50) Haifeng Li 2012 SUNY-Stony Brook
51) German Carrillo 2012 CERN Fellow
52) Alfredo Castenada 2012 U of Texas – A&M
53) Haichen Wang 2013 Chamberlain Fellow at Berkeley
54) Haoshuang Ji 2014 CONVIVA (real-time big data processing platform)
55) Yao Ming 2016 Amazon
56) Hongtao Yang 2016 Chamberlain Fellow at Berkeley
57) Andrew Hard 2016 Google
58) Fangzhou Zhang 2017 Ernst & Young
59) Fuquan Wang 2017 Yelp
60) Laser Kaplan 2017 Accenture
61) Xiangyang Ju 2018 High Performance Computing Postdoctoral Scholar at Berkeley
62) Alex Zeng WANG 2023 Postdoctoral Scholar at UC Santa Cruz.
63) Jay Chan 2023 Postdoctoral Scholar at Berkeley (LBNL)


Our forty former postdocs and former graduate students are faculty members in major U.S. universities and worldwide. In addition, eighteen are staff members at major High Energy Physics laboratories. Also a number of our former Ph.D. entered the workforce of well-known industries, providing successfully the functionality of technology transfer.


1.   Steven Ritz Full Professor and former Director of the Santa Cruz Institute for Particle Physics (University of California, Santa Cruz); NASA Outstanding Leadership Medal; APS Fellow; Sloan Foundation Fellow; Chairman of the Particle Physics Project Prioritization Panel (P5) 2013; former member of HEPAP
2.   Robert Johnson Full Professor, former Chairman of Physics Department and former Associate Director of the Santa Cruz Institute for Particle Physics (University of California, Santa Cruz); APS Fellow
3.   Allen Caldwell Former Full Professor (Columbia University); now Full Professor and Managing Director of Max-Planck-Institute for Physics, Munich (since April 2012); Head of the AWAKE experiment at CERN; former spokesman of ZEUS (1997-1998). Honorary Professor at Technical University of Munich
4.   Michael Cherney Full Professor, former Director – Energy Technology Program (Creighton University)
5.   Vivek Sharma Full Professor (University of California, San Diego); Sloan Foundation Fellow; APS Fellow
6.   David Strom Full Professor (University of Oregon)
7.   Shan Jin Full Professor (Nanjing University); Former Full Professor and Deputy Director, Exp. Phys. Div. (Inst. of HEP, Beijing); member of the Science Committee of IHEP; 100 Talents award of the Chinese Academy of Sciences; National Science Award for Distinguished Young Scholars
8.   John Conway Full Professor (University of California, Davis); APS Fellow
9.   John Harton Full Professor (Colorado State University)
10.  Yuanning Gao Academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences; Full Professor and Chair of the School of Physics (Peking University); Former Full Professor and Director of the Center for HEP (Tsinghua Univ., Beijing); 100 Talents award of the Chinese Academy of Sciences; National Science Award for Distinguished Young Scholars
11.  David Cinabro  Full Professor and Chair of Physics and Astronomy (Wayne State University
12.  Hongbo Hu Full Professor (Inst. of HEP, Beijing); standing member of the Science Committee of IHEP and former Deputy Director of the Astroparticle Physics Lab. (IHEP, Beijing); 100 Talents award of the Chinese Academy of Sciences; National Science Award for Distinguished Young Scholars
13.  Douglas Cowen Full Professor of Physics (Penn. State U.), NSF Career Award (1999-2003); Fulbright Scholar; Francis W. Sears Physics Prize, Associate Director of Institute for Gravitation and the Cosmos, Penn State (2013-2017)
14.  Haibo Li Full Professor (Institute of High Energy Physics, Beijing); 100 Talents award; National Science Award for Distinguished Young Scholars
15.  Joe Izen Full Professor(University of Texas, Dallas); former co-spokesman of BES
16.  Haiping Peng Full Professor (University of Science and Technology, China); 100 Talents award of the Chinese Academy of Sciences
17.  Michael Schmitt Full Professor and Chairman of Physics Dept. (Northwestern University); former Assistant Professor at Harvard
18.  Joe Boudreau Full Professor (University of Pittsburgh)
19.  Lianliang Ma Full Professor (Shandong University, China)
20.  Stathes Paganis Full Professor (National Taiwan University, Taiwan); former Associate Professor at the University of Sheffield, UK
21.  Yaquan Fang Full Professor (Institute of HEP, Beijing); 100 Talent award of the Chinese Academy of Sciences; Chinese National Award for 1000 Youth Talents Plan
22.  Bruce Mellado Full Professor (U. of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg), Director of the Wits Institute for Collider Particle Physics, University of the Witwatersrand
23.  Jason Nielsen Full Professor and Director, Institute for Particle Physics (University of California, Santa Cruz)
24.  Haifeng Li Full Professor (Shandong University, China); Qi-Lu Young Scholar of Shandong University
25.  Yongsheng Gao Full Professor (California State University at Fresno)
26.  Kyle Cranmer Full Professor of Physics, University of Wisconsin-Madison; Director, American Family Data Science Institute. Former Full Professor (New York University); NSF Career Award (2009); Presidential Early Career Award for Scientists and Engineers 2007; Goldhaber Fellow, BNL 2005-2007; Member of  HEPAP (2016-2019). APS Fellow (2021)
27.  Isabel Pedraza Full Professor (Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla, Mexico)
28.  Jane Nachtman Full Professor (University of Iowa). Director of Undergraduate Studies.
29.  Stephen Sekula Research Group Manager at SNOLAB and Professor at Queen’s University, Canada. Previously Full Professor & Chair of Physics Department (Southern Methodist University)


30.  Trevor Vickey Associate Professor (Reader in Particle Physics) (Sheffield University, UK)
31.  Yibin Pan Associate Professor (University of Wisconsin)
32.  Gerald Rudolph Associate Professor (Universität Innsbruck)
33.  Yingchun Zhu Associate Professor (University of Science and Technology, China)
34.  Xin Chen Associate Professor (Tsinghua University, Beijing)
35.  Luis Flores Castillo Associate Professor (Chinese University of Hong Kong, China)
36.  Swagato Banerjee Associate Professor (University of Louisville)
37.  Haichen Wang Assistant Professor (U.C. Berkeley). Faculty Early Career Development Program (CAREER) award from the National Science Foundation, 2021
38.  Alfredo Castaneda Assistant Professor (Universidad de Sonora, Mexico)
39.  Chen Zhou Assistant Professor (Peking University)
40.  Hongtao Yang Assistant Professor (University of Science and Technology, China)


This table gives the list of Sau Lan Wu’s fourteen former postdocs and former graduate students who received staff positions in National and International High Energy Laboratories.

1. Saul Gonzalez Senior Advisor at the Mathematical and Physical Sciences Directorate at NSF; Former Program Director of Experimental Elementary Particle Physics at NSF; Former Assistant Director for Physical Sciences at The White House Office of Science and Technology Policy; Former Program Manager for Proton Accelerator Physics, Physics Research Division of Office of High Energy Physics, DOE
2. Pierre Lecomte Senior Research Scientist, ETHZ (Switzerland)
3. Tom C. Meyer Staff Physicist, CERN
4. John Walsh Senior Researcher, INFN (Italy)
5. Mathew Graham Staff Physicist, SLAC
6. Alden Stradling HPC Cluster Engineer, Los Alamos National Laboratory
7. Alessandro Di Mattia Staff Physicist at INFN, Italy (Catania Section), Coordinator of Particle Physics Division.
8. Wen Guan Computational scientist at Brookhaven National Laboratory
9. Ximo Poveda Spanish National Research Council (Spain)
10. James Freeman Scientist, Fermilab
11. Tim Barklow Senior Staff Physicist, SLAC
12. DavidMuller Staff Physicist, SLAC
13. Eric Wicklund Staff Scientist, Fermilab
14. Leo Bellantoni Scientist, Fermilab, (former Wilson and Lederman Fellow at Fermilab)
15. Joleen Pater Staff Physicist at the University of Manchester
16. Eric Charles Staff Physicist, SLAC
17. Peter Elmer Senior Research Physicist at Princeton University – Executive Director and Principal Investigator for the NSF-funded Institute for Research and Innovation in Software for High Energy Physics (IRIS-HEP)
18. Xiangyang Ju Computing System Engineer at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory


An interesting development is that high-energy physicists are entering the workforce of well-known industries.  Having been well trained in the high technology environment of large international physics collaborations, members of our group are eminently suited to provide the functionality of technology transfer, always on the leading edge.  For example, some of the former postdocs and former graduate students have held positions in industries are: (Note that this list may not be up to date)

1) Ian Scott – Chief Science Officer Deloitte Omnia – Artificial Intelligence. Former Partner Chief Data Scientist Deloitte Canada. Former VP customer Solutions at Lattice Engines. Former Chief Technology Officer at Angoss Software
2) John Yamartino – Senior Director of Analytics and Machine Learning at Lam Research, Mountain View, California. Former Director of Analytics at Lam Research. Former Senior Data Scientist at IBM (Greater New York City Area). Former Engineering Program Manager at Applied Materials, Inc., Silicon Valley
3) Makoto Takashima – Consultant at Cinctive Capital, New York
4) Damon Fasching – Senior Director, Auto Engineering at Gracenote, California
5) Zhong Feng – Lead System Engineer at Raytheon for NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center.
6) John Hilgart – Senior Network Security Engineer at BASF. Former Senior Internet Infrastructure Architect at BASF. Former eCommerce Infrastructure Architect
7) Fred Weber – Senior Research Scientist at A2Z Development Center Inc A2Z Development Center Inc  Grinnell College Bengaluru, Karnataka, India.

Former Senior Research Scientist, Columbia University Earth Institute (subject: Spoken Language Technology for Development: Communication as Empowerment). Former Senior Research Scientist at ScanSoft, Inc. (Boston) for speech recognition

8) Jim Wear – Senior Physicist at GE Medical Systems, Madison, Wisconsin
9) Michael Walsh – Consultant at Superior Consulting Company Inc.
10) Xidong Wu – Principal Machine Learning Engineer at Workday, Pleasanton, CA. Former Lead Member of Technical Staff in Telecommunications at AT&T (San Francisco Bay Area). Former Software Engineer at SBC Communications
11) Owen Hayes – Director, Enterprise Project Management Office, CIT, Greater NY City area. Former Founder and Partner of Jorgeson Trading, former Director of Strategy & Technology at Thomson Reuters, Former Business Technology Director at Elsevier (Greater Philadelphia Area). Former Senior Associate at Booz Allen Hamilton Consulting Firm
12) Thomas Greening – Distinguished Engineer and Senior Scientist at Apple (San Francisco Bay Area). Former Principal Scientist at Honeywell. Recipient of Technical Achievement Award (2003) and Outstanding Engineer of the Year Award (2002)
13) Stephen Armstrong – Senior Director – Corporate Strategy Implementation at Lonza (Basel, Switzerland). Former Assistant Vice President, SGS Group management Ltd, Switzerland
14) Zhitang Yu – Senior Software Development Engineer at Mentor Graphics (San Francisco Bay Area). Former Research and Development Engineer at ClearShape Technologies
15) Mousumi Datta – Model Risk Analyst, Quantitative Risk Management at The Options Clearing Corporation, Chicago
16) Baosen Cheng – Software Engineer at Comcast Silicon Valley (Plaxo) (San Francisco Bay Area). Former Software Engineer at Avestar-IP
17) Attila Mihalyi – Director at Princeton Consultants, former Senior Engineering Specialist at Princeton Consultants (Greater New York City Area). Former Senior Associate/Consultant at  Princeton Consultants
18) Jinwei Wu – Strategist at Pine River Capital Management (Greater New York City Area). Former Strategist at Goldman Sachs (Greater New York City Area)
19) William Orejudos – Senior Product Architect at WillowTree, Charlottesville, Virginia. Former Senior Member, Energy and Environmental Services, SRA International (Charlottesville, Virginia Area)
20) Paul Kutter – Director of Forecasting and Research at Citizens Property Insurance Corporation. Former Actuarial Analyst at Citizens Property Insurance (Tallahassee, Florida)
21) Neng Xu – Chief Technology Officer at YKLM Auctions, Richmond, British Columbia, Canada
22) Sanjay Padhi – Executive Vice President and Chief Technologist at, Cambridge, Massachusetts; Formerly Global Scientific Computing Principal at Amazon Web Services
23) André Anjos – Research Scientist at IDIAP Research Institute, Martigny, Switzerland. Head of the Biosignal Processing Group
24) Tapas Sarangi – Software Engineer at Entegral Software Development, Madison, Wisconsin
25) Ruslan Asfandiyarov – Managing Director & Senior Consultant at DeepTechConsult, Lausanne, Vaud, Switzerland
26) Lashkar Kashif – Senior Director and Head of Data Science at Cvent
27) German Carrillo Montoya : Head of Machine Learning & Data Science at Fortum
28) Haoshuang Ji – Senior Software engineer at Conviva
29) Yao Ming – Software Development Engineer at Amazon corporate LLC
30) Andrew Hard – Software engineer at Google
31) Fuquan Wang – Software engineer at Facebook, formerly at Yelp
32) Fangzhou Zhang – Senior Consultant at Ernst & Young
33) Laser Kaplan – Senior Data Scientist/Software Engineer in LiveRamp